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Oprah: She’s Just Like You

Oprah: She’s Just Like You

Oprah Winfrey and Weight Watchers Try Again Weight Watchers debuted its new advertising campaign with Oprah Winfrey recently. I first saw it during New Year’s week – that sacred time of the year when we collectively don our metaphorical hairshirts in the form of...
You Look Fabulous! Did You Lose Weight?

You Look Fabulous! Did You Lose Weight?

When Weight Loss Is Celebrated, Even for the Wrong Reasons (part 1) “Did you lose weight?! You look fabulous!” she cried to a passerby. Some variation of this welcome was pretty common for my coworker. She used it as a form of social connection, because there were not...
Are You a Bully to Your Body?

Are You a Bully to Your Body?

When’s the last time you whispered sweet nothings to your body? No, I am not crazy for suggesting that. I imagine it’s been a while…or never. What do you say to your body, then? What do you say about it? Maybe you don’t say anything outright, and you aren’t too sure...