by Barbara Spanjers
You may have heard that diets don’t work,1 and that intuitive eating is an alternative. But just what is intuitive eating? In short, it’s about building trust in your body to know what, when, and how much to eat. Sounds simple, right? But simple is not...
by Barbara Spanjers
One of the most common things I hear is “I’m an emotional eater!” And although I empathize with the experience of eating in a way that feels out of control, that isn’t necessarily emotional eating. And while it’s true that emotional...
by Barbara Spanjers
Raise your hand if you just “know” you’ll fail at Intuitive Eating. Maybe you’ve already had that experience. At its heart, Intuitive Eating is a way to help you heal your relationship with food. Research studies indicate that this non-diet...
by Barbara Spanjers
I was honored to be interviewed by Jessi Haggerty, RD. Jessi is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and Certified Personal Trainer. She is the creator of The BodyLove Project podcast series, which asks the big questions about loving your...
by Barbara Spanjers
Are you as tired of these kinds of headlines as I am? Never Eat Anything You Can’t Pronounce! Never Eat These 5 Foods! If You Eat That Nutter Butter, You Are a Bad Mom! Okay, I made that last one up, but it’s definitely the subtext of a gazillion blog posts, articles,...