by Barbara Spanjers
When you feel bullied by your weight loss plan. How many times have you gone on a diet?* And how many different diet plans have you tried? You may find that you try the same plan over and over, returning to it once you regain the initial weight you lost. Or you might...
by Barbara Spanjers
Do you ever have the feeling that you should heal your relationship with food? Maybe you’ve tried lots of diets, or eating plans, or just “eating clean.” But underneath the surface you know that if you and a cupcake were locked in a room together, the...
by Barbara Spanjers
A letter for when it’s time to walk away. Dear Diet, I know this is not the most personal way to do this, but it’s hard for me to face you without getting sucked back in to your insanity. You have been such an important part of my life that I am not entirely...
by Barbara Spanjers
Anything you eat can and will be used against you in a court of self-judgment. Are there any foods you feel guilty about eating? Chips? Ice cream? Bread? If yes, then your inner Food Police are probably running the show. The idea of “good” and “bad” foods is so...