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5 Tips to Heal Your Relationship with Food

5 Tips to Heal Your Relationship with Food

Do you ever have the feeling that you should heal your relationship with food? Maybe you’ve tried lots of diets, or eating plans, or just “eating clean.” But underneath the surface you know that if you and a cupcake were locked in a room together, the...
New Year’s Resolutions I Wish You’d Make

New Year’s Resolutions I Wish You’d Make

It’s not only the time of year that people make New Year’s resolutions; it’s also the time of year we get to read about whether or not it’s a reasonable venture to make those resolutions. I spend much of my professional time helping people...
You Look Fabulous! Did You Lose Weight?

You Look Fabulous! Did You Lose Weight?

When Weight Loss Is Celebrated, Even for the Wrong Reasons (part 1) “Did you lose weight?! You look fabulous!” she cried to a passerby. Some variation of this welcome was pretty common for my coworker. She used it as a form of social connection, because there were not...
Haikus for the Diet-Weary

Haikus for the Diet-Weary

This is what comes out of my head when I sit by the pool watching my kid get squirted in the face with a water-blaster. It’s one week’s worth of haikus about dieting, weight, and body image (with more to come). I wore a swimsuit while writing these. Gotta walk the...
April Fool’s Mythbusting about Weight and Health

April Fool’s Mythbusting about Weight and Health

Since it’s April Fool’s Day, it’s a particularly relevant time to call out myths and misinformation about the relationship between weight and health. It is a big topic, so this is just one small piece.   Everybody “knows” that being overweight is terrible. It’s...