by Barbara Spanjers
Intuitive eating and mindful eating sound great, right? But what if your world doesn’t want to cooperate? Here are some personal examples of what intuitive eating in real life might look like. Hope it’ll help you see how these practices can work for you, even when...
by Barbara Spanjers
“Ugh, I feel fat!” What woman hasn’t ever said that to herself at some point? For many women, negative self-talk related to body image is common. Unfortunately, it’s almost always meant as a self-putdown. Even when the self is not to blame for...
by Barbara Spanjers
Have you noticed that dieting seems to have fallen out favor? Or rather, the word “diet” has fallen out of favor. Now, we have new and not-so-improved names for the same-old, same-old. Now, instead of all your friends and coworkers being on a diet, you hear them...
by Barbara Spanjers
It can come out of nowhere, and it seems like The Universal Truth: you feel fat. Unlike its very distant cousin, Bad Hair Day (which has some basis in reality), feeling fat is typically a subjective experience. It rarely has anything to do with your actual size (or...
by Barbara Spanjers
If the title of this article seems surprising, stick with me. Over the last few weeks, you’ve started shifting your way of being and how that relates to eating. So far I’ve suggested you be: grateful, nourished, mindful, self-compassionate, and curious. Within those...