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How to Start Intuitive Eating

How to Start Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating is gaining traction as an alternative to all the diet noise out there. By helping you learn to trust  your body, this approach is a powerful way to heal your relationship with food. Wondering how to start intuitive eating? Here are some tips. If you...
Experts Be Damned – Just Eat the Cookie

Experts Be Damned – Just Eat the Cookie

Are you as tired of these kinds of headlines as I am? Never Eat Anything You Can’t Pronounce! Never Eat These 5 Foods! If You Eat That Nutter Butter, You Are a Bad Mom! Okay, I made that last one up, but it’s definitely the subtext of a gazillion blog posts, articles,...
Roadmap for When You “Feel Fat”

Roadmap for When You “Feel Fat”

It can come out of nowhere, and it seems like The Universal Truth: you feel fat. Unlike its very distant cousin, Bad Hair Day (which has some basis in reality), feeling fat is typically a subjective experience. It rarely has anything to do with your actual size (or...