by Barbara Spanjers
Have you noticed that dieting seems to have fallen out favor? Or rather, the word “diet” has fallen out of favor. Now, we have new and not-so-improved names for the same-old, same-old. Now, instead of all your friends and coworkers being on a diet, you hear them...
by Barbara Spanjers
Parents often go to great lengths to get their baby or toddler to eat. Some classic attempts: Here comes the airplane, open up the hangar. Just one more bite. Pretty please? Have some “pink chicken” (salmon). Have some “pig chicken” (pork). (Thanks to my friend for...
by Barbara Spanjers
Have you ever eaten salad when you really wanted pizza? Or ate styrofoam rice cakes instead of bread to save some calories? What was your experience after the meal? Did you feel satisfied, or did you end up hitting the Pizza Palace at midnight? This is the power of...