by Barbara Spanjers
Did you overeat on vacation? Worried that you’ll weight gain during upcoming travel? If your waistband is tighter than usual after vacation, join the club. Although you may have eaten more than usual during your travels, it’s totally normal to overeat...
by Barbara Spanjers
When we talk to our kids about “red light” foods and the dangers of weight gain,* we set them up to have an unhealthy relationship with food. For today’s post, mosey on over to Fit Armadillo, where I had the pleasure of guest blogging.
by Barbara Spanjers
Wander around the weight loss section of your local bookstore. Here are some samples from a recent visit: Eat lots of carbohydrates, but no fat. Sugar is the problem. Eat low carbohydrates, but lots of protein and fat. Coconut oil is the secret. Dairy is the problem....
by Barbara Spanjers
It’s not only the time of year that people make New Year’s resolutions; it’s also the time of year we get to read about whether or not it’s a reasonable venture to make those resolutions. I spend much of my professional time helping people...
by Barbara Spanjers
Last weekend, I bought jeans for my 13-year old son. No big deal, except for this: I remember wearing about the same size jeans. When I was two years younger than my son is now, I was a little shorter, but wore the same size waist. And I thought I was fat. I remember...