by Barbara Spanjers
Have you noticed that dieting seems to have fallen out favor? Or rather, the word “diet” has fallen out of favor. Now, we have new and not-so-improved names for the same-old, same-old. Now, instead of all your friends and coworkers being on a diet, you hear them...
by Barbara Spanjers
It can come out of nowhere, and it seems like The Universal Truth: you feel fat. Unlike its very distant cousin, Bad Hair Day (which has some basis in reality), feeling fat is typically a subjective experience. It rarely has anything to do with your actual size (or...
by Barbara Spanjers
I’m excited to share the latest episode of The Love, Food Podcast! If you aren’t familiar with this gem from registered dietitian Julie Duffy Dillon, you’re in for a treat (and you can subscribe here). And I got to be Julie’s latest guest,...
by Barbara Spanjers
What happens when you are surrounded by an abundance of delicious food? Whether it’s the holiday season, vacation time, or socializing with friends, it’s common to feel tempted by goodies. If the thought of the ubiquitous box of donuts in the break room...
by Barbara Spanjers
You can barely exist in today’s 24/7 information overload without hearing rules about eating. By 9:00 this morning, I heard references to food rules in these places: Facebook posts and ads Local newspaper (yes, they still exist) Local morning news program National...