by Barbara Spanjers
If you combine last week’s theme of being curious with this week’s theme of being self-compassionate, you pretty much have the answer to how to have peace with food and your body. Judgment is the enemy, whereas curiosity and compassion will change your life for the...
by Barbara Spanjers
So much unhappiness and downright misery comes from judgment. Every time you tell yourself “I should” or “I shouldn’t,” it’s setting you up for feeling guilt, shame, and self-loathing. In the Universe, there are some real shoulds and shouldn’ts, of course. Like don’t...
by Barbara Spanjers
Quick estimate: how much of your time is spent focusing on what you’d like to change about yourself? Or on what you’re unhappy with in your life? Chances are it’s a pretty significant amount of time each day that you can’t get back. I was consulting with a...
by Barbara Spanjers
It’s almost Independence Day – a day to remember the principles of freedom that are the bedrock of the US’s identity. We have been so free, in fact, that our hard-won freedom is often taken as a given. Independence Day becomes yet another long weekend where you can...
by Barbara Spanjers
When Weight Loss Is Celebrated, Even for the Wrong Reasons As I waited to check out at the grocery store, a conversation popped up between the cashier and the customers in line. What is appropriate to talk about as your bell peppers and pizza rolls are scanned? Weight...