by Barbara Spanjers
A diet mentality starts a chain reaction around “naughty” food. Inspired by, and with affection for, the children’s book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff. If you give a dieter a cookie she’s going to ask for a...
by Barbara Spanjers
Anything you eat can and will be used against you in a court of self-judgment. Are there any foods you feel guilty about eating? Chips? Ice cream? Bread? If yes, then your inner Food Police are probably running the show. The idea of “good” and “bad” foods is so...
by Barbara Spanjers
Last weekend, my sons went on an overnight trip with their school band. That left two adults home alone with no middle-schoolers to supervise us. The first day, I was surprisingly teary-eyed at how quickly they’re growing up. It was a tiny taste of being an...